Health Care - Ayurveda
An Ayurveda Panchakarma Hospital was established at Cherukol Mavelikkara in Kerala By Sadananda Sidha Gurudevan.
Sree Subhanada Ashram, the abode of peace and ecstasy in this world was established in 1918 in a very small thatched shed, by Brahmasree Subhananda Gurudev at Cherukole, Mavelikara in Alleppey District of Kerala state, South India. It is the central seat of Atma Bodhodaya Sangham, an Advaitha Vedantha spiritual movement of a very high order, with the mission to attain status of One Caste, One Religion, and One God to mankind.Later on the Ashram was renovated with much more facilities, and was inaugurated on 2.12.1937 by the Retired Divan of Travancore, Sri V.S.Subrahmanya Iyyer, (President, Kerala Hindu Mission). The Ashram building was again renovated and reconstructed by Brahmasree Anandaji Gurudev and was inagurated on 5-5-1971 (1146 Medam 22).
The theosophy of the Atma Bodhodaya Sangham,Especially Subhanandashram is that, without caste, creed, religion,region and gender any one can obtain Moksha through Namasankeerthanam by strict adherence of Sathya Upadesh, Janmanthara Jnanopadesh To propagate these extra ordinary spiritual phenomena the Cherukole Subhananda Ashram was founded by Brahmasree Subhananda Gurudev who had dedicated his life to the service of humanity. Millions have been blessed with salvation by his preachings. When Swami Subhananda was 36, immediately after His Thapas he reached Cherukole, Mavelikara He started this mission centre. In a caste ridden society, just like Sree Narayana Guru, he proclaimed that man is one and there cannot be any difference due to caste or community. People belonging to various castes approached him for salvation. He could give peace and security to all who were suffering from distress due to sins, diseases and recurrent attack of devils. Swami Subhananda had immense sympathy for the poor and afflicted in society and declared himself as their friend and saviour.
The Subhananda Ashrams stands for ideals which are acceptable to people in all the walks oflife and religions. In fact it is a mission for unity in the realm of religion. According to Gurudev on attaining self realization one is able to see the eternal light which dwells in us. Man is not self ill uminant but the Guru lights the lamp in them and as the light emanates, one can see oneself and the Guru just like we see the sun and the universe in sunlight by our eyes. As a lamp is required for the spread oflight, disciple helps the divine light of the Guru to be spread everywhere. The Advaitic philosophy is emphasized by proclaiming that when light is spread by the disciple, everything everywhere becomes illuminated and there is no difference between the Guru and Sishya They are one and the same. We take this opportunity to lead our readers to Sri Subhanandasramam at Cherukole to have a glimse of the Asramam, the abode of Peace and Santhi.
All are always welcome to the ashram. You will be attracted by the humble behaviour, love, attachment, consideration and intimacy shown to you by a person in simple attire with heavenly grace. This inhuman personality is none other than our God, the Gurudev whom we call "Amppotti" Our mind will go back a long distance searching the memory of this face, this voice and this love which we remember to have experienced somewhere in the past. U can see thousands of people assembled there to get his blessings and thereby acquire mental peace. Devotees who are bound together by 'Gurubhakthi' and bonds of friendship, sit together and sings hymns flown out from Gurudev through his discourses. Only these verses are recited at prayers and other religious functions by the devotees. Free lunch is provided in the Ashramam to all who come there without any distinction of status, wealth, caste or creed. People from all walks of the community (caste and religion) are coming to Subhananda Ashram (Sannidhan) for salvation from sufferings, distresses, sins and diseases.
Lakhs of people in Kerala and several parts of India consider the SubhanandaAshram, Cherukole as the spiritual home and abode of peace. It has a well disciplined mass following it and is attracting more and more people every day. For the convenience of the devotees more than 46 Branch Ashrams have been already established at different parts ofKerala and outside places, and that the noble process continuing smoothly and enthusiastically. The Asrarnam and branches successfully celebrate many festivals. Let Guru hold the torch of liberation and peace through His successors, the Guru Paramparas, forever.
An Ayurveda Panchakarma Hospital was established at Cherukol Mavelikkara in Kerala By Sadananda Sidha Gurudevan.
Sannyasis, or those who take up Sannyasa, renounce all material desires and prejudices. Bhagvan Subhananda Gurudev...
Subhananda Darssanam is the monthly poblicaation from Ashram. It is dedicated to promoting the principles Sree Subhananda...
Heartwarming moments of cultural and seasonal festivals from Cherukole Sree Subhanandashram.