• (+91) 8281 733 335
  • sreesubhanandashram@abssc.org

A Spiritual Study Center

Self-Awareness Enhancement Organization

Atma Bodhodaya Sangam (Self-Awareness Enhancement Organization) has been established on the Concept of One Caste, One Religion, One God. It is a Glorious Principle which ensures Spiritual and Temporal attainments simultaneously to the Entire Human Beings without any discrimination. The Supreme Lord is the Source of Self-Awareness to the Entire Souls till the End of the Universe. That is the Principle of Immaculacy and Innocence. Peace is Established through this State or Dimension.

Under this State of Experience, the Entire Purified Souls beingthe Members of the Organization, shall be free from all parochial and discriminatory considerations of Caste or Religion and that they shall not maintain the selfish sense of Ownership such as I,Me, My, Mine etc., without holding any positions in the social strata based on the discriminatory considerations of the said Caste, Creed, Physical Bondages, sabotaging this Existing Harmony of Purity and Unity of the Spiritual Principles, creating disharmonious gaps, forfeiting the Peace and Happiness. Therefore, whosoever attempts to sabotage this Fundamental Principle, intending to create Discriminatory Attitudes and Behaviours, shall never be allowed to act within the Organization.

The darkness of the mundane world would be vanished only when the sun of Self-illumination arises. Vedas are known as the hidden principles. This is none other than the awareness of the Soul. This knowledge,when illuminated into consciousness, is obliterated by the body and its characteristics.

During His Holy Reign itself Brahma Sri SubhanadaGurudev had established His Divinity. The Truth is that He is the very

Incarnation of the Supreme Preceptor to His Disciple.From the SubhanadaGranda,which He decided to publish in his Incarnatory period itself, prepared, from His letters that He sent to his disciples, and collected from His own handwriting, these selected Divine sermons are believed by impartial souls to have been the holy words, the Sword of Wisdom, the very Incarnation of the Supreme Being of the present Epoch or the KhadgiAvathara


Under the command of the Supreme Pontiff, the Lineage of the Pontificate and the AtmaBodhodayaSangams that include them, as per the instructions of this scripture, must abide by the Command of the Supreme Pontiff who has the purity of ideals and purity of life. The pontiffs should follow the Command of the Supreme Commander and in their turn the pontiff’s command should be followed by the devotees.

The teachings and rituals for the Self-Unification should not be intensified and increased beyond the Scriptures until the end of the world. For world affairs from time to time, by-laws according to the Scriptural Laws, can be formulated, if deemed necessary, by the Supreme Preceptors of the time. It should be discarded when not needed. Secular law should never be set as permanent laws. Now the Standard Laws of this Group are to look spotless and innocent.

In the fast-moving, technologically driven current world, the importance of inner peace is more pressing than any other. Spiritual practices such as Prayer Self-Awareness etc..can help individuals manage stress and balance.

To say that there are many religions is without understanding religion. Religion is the purest light of the mind. Religious principles describe its pleasures.

Spirituality often brings people together, creating a sense of community and belonging. Also Spiritual study encourages introspection and self-awareness, promoting personal growth. In essence, spiritual study in the modern era offers a path to inner peace, ethical living, community connection, and personal growth, all of which are invaluable in navigating the complexities of contemporary life.

Health Care - Ayurveda

An Ayurveda Panchakarma Hospital was established at Cherukol Mavelikkara in Kerala By Sadananda Sidha Gurudevan.

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Latest Shots

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