• (+91) 8281 733 335
  • sreesubhanandashram@abssc.org

Sree Subhananda Trust

Sree Subhananda Trust

The great mission of Atma-Bhododaya Sangham is to spread the message of peace and oneness and to establish the moral deed of “Sathya-Dharma”. Subhananda disciples who had experienced the ecstasy are working in all parts of India and abroad spreading the message of love and harmony to reach the oneness among us and get to know about the blissful values. In 16.7.1987 Subhanandashram registred as a Charitable Trust, Atma Bodhoday Sangha Sree Subhananda Trust Reg No89/87 by Sree Anandaji Gurudevan Now at present following are the Trust members of Sree Subhananda Trust.

Trust Board Members
Brahmasree Devananda Gurudevan The Managing Trustee
Swami Geethanandan Trust Secretary
Swami Vedanandan Treasurer
Swami Subhanandadas Trust Member
Swami Madhavanandan Trust Member
Swami Nithyanandan Trust Member
Swami Sathyadas Trust Member
Editorial Board
Brahmasree Devananda Gurudevan The Managing Trustee
Swami Geethanandan Trust Secretary
Adv. P K Vijayaprassad Editor
Umadevi Anil Editor
M K Rajendra Kumar Editor
Swami Jyothirmayanandan Managing Editor

Health Care - Ayurveda

An Ayurveda Panchakarma Hospital was established at Cherukol Mavelikkara in Kerala By Sadananda Sidha Gurudevan.

Sanyasi Sangham

Sannyasis, or those who take up Sannyasa, renounce all material desires and prejudices. Bhagvan Subhananda Gurudev...


Subhananda Darssanam is the monthly poblicaation from Ashram. It is dedicated to promoting the principles Sree Subhananda...

Latest Shots

Heartwarming moments of cultural and seasonal festivals from Cherukole Sree Subhanandashram.