Health Care - Ayurveda
An Ayurveda Panchakarma Hospital was established at Cherukol Mavelikkara in Kerala By Sadananda Sidha Gurudevan.
Search God with in you and find Him in your heart. Do not wander in search, I am living in you !
Know yourself and serve others, Lord will live in your heart always. Search God with in you !
The Veda is the Non- dual awareness. We have been able to realize it through ourseleves.
While Time, Nature, and the Universe were being prepared for the Primordial Truth, the First Principle, Lord Narayana to take Holy Incarnation, two impoverished, modest, humble, Virtuous, Pure, Sacred Souls as Devotees also were accommodated.
These Blessed and Holy Couple were none other than Ittyathi and Kochuvneeli. The Holy Father Ittyathi was a Scholar, proficient in astronomy and also an unorthodox and progressive Personality. The Holy Mother Kochuneeli was a Chaste, Faithful and staunch Devotee. Since they had not been blessed with children even after several years of marriage, the Holy Couple had been spending many long years with prayers, vows, and penances. A period of twelve years thus transpired.
They went to perform various fasts and vows at most of the temples and other holy shrines across Travancore until the 16th of Dhanu Month in the year 1056. At last, the fast and vow stopped at the Salagrama Temple Changanassery.
There they conducted the vows and fast for forty-one days since, the first day of Vrishchikam Month to the 16th of Dhanu Month. When this Cycle of Vows culminated, the Chief Priest of the temple conducted a divine test to the following effect. Later, the following year, the Divine Son, Lord Sri. SubhanandaGurudevaThiruvadikal Incarnated Himself on the Planet Earth on the early morning of Friday the 17th, in the prosperous Month of Medam at the Auspicious Star Pooram in the year 1057(28th of April,1882)
May this humble servant of Lord Almighty continue to write,by prostrating myself with the awe-stricken reverence and ardent devotion upon the holy feet of the Hallowed and Glorified Parents, the Transcendental Embodiments, who fondled and caressed God with lullabies and fed with the Nectar of Milk, the first Beholder of the Divine, Golden and Lotus Face of God, awaiting the Holy Birth of the Supreme and Absolute Lord, the Eternal Abode of Truth, for the Restoration of the entire Corpus of Souls, descending to the Earth, in this present Epoch Kali, characterized by Evil Incarnate, for His Holy Incarnation in the Human Manifestation.
The Holy Parents dedicated the Child born from the Divine Blessing and Benediction as an Offering for the same Divine Will. Certain Characteristics of the Divine Essence, tantamount to the Transcendental Dimension, were Manifest in Lord Sri SubhanandaGurudevsince His Holy Birth. While His Parents were rearing Him as a God-given Child in compliance with the Divine Will and Order, He underwent a very extraordinarily glorious and magnificent Divine Experience at the age of seven.
As the State of Auspiciousness, Self-Realisation, Potency, Essence and Blissfulness, emanated in Us, by means of the Divine Visionary Experiences, perceived in reality during the first quarter of the Friday night at the Aswathy star, solidified in Us, thenceforth till date, enabling Us to fearlessly perform Fruitless Actions, in this Glorious and Magnificent manner, elevated Us to the Perfection of Absolute Blissfulness The Divine Vision Manifested Five Holy Symbols. They were the Moon, a Constellation of three Stars, a Disc of Transcendental Knowledge, a Milky Conch in the middle of the Disc and the Image of the Rising Sun atop.These are the Five Holy Signs which have Manifested themselves to Lord Sri Subhanananda Gurudev as the Cognitive and Visionary Images.
“These Holy Symbols effulgently and illuminatingly emerge themselves in the Sanctum Sanctorum of Our heart during Our Meditative Trance and on other occasions. Consequently, that Magnificent Light has become a guide temporally and spiritually. Thenceforth till now, a long span of fifty years has elapsed. It has been leading Us along the Spiritual Path as a Glorified Preceptor till now. Despite all this, the human world immersed in the bondages of the darkness of Ignorance in this Kali Yuga or the Epoch of Kali, has found itself in a state of mind, incapable of beholding even a tiny particle of the Magnificent and Illuminating Beacon. Not only that, the two contentions of Caste and Religion had been incessantly oppressing and repressing and embarrassing Us.”
The Divine Vision occurred consecutively for three days to Us from the 3rd of the Month of Vrischika onwards in the year 1064 MC, Manifested to Us. Thenceforth, the Spiritual Experience of more than six decades, constantly and incessantly exists in Us till date as if the unsinking, long moonlight. It can be undoubtedly stated that there is no tongue, no language, no power, no ability with either Us or the world to describe, write, explain, compare that Indescribable, Incomparable, Inexplicable State respectively.
In the Post-Visionary Epoch, several transformations, in noncompliance with Our age, transpired themselves in Us. In order to illuminate the ecstatic experience of blissfulness generated in Us, We continued to meditate and contemplate upon the same state of Vision. Consequently, We became exceedingly gravitated towards solitude. This is the cause of love for seclusion that developed in Us. Many solitary and desolate areas were sought after and discovered. Our main preoccupation in those days was to ruminate and rejoice upon the Great fortunes we attained.
In course of time, the Spiritual Dimension in Us began to expand. Therefore, We embarked upon a long peregrination. During this occasion many hills and jungles have sheltered Us. By practising Vows, pursuing self-study and contemplating upon the Glory of the Five Magnificent Beams, We elapsed Our time. Twelve Years thus transpired without any pertinent and extraordinary event happening in this pursuit. Distinctive character evolved for inner comfort. During this time, the Heart had been throbbing most mysteriously and Esoterically. We began to be immersed in misery. At this time, a particular aspiration germinated in Us. That was about beholding the Sacred Abodes and Pilgrim Centres.
We sought shelter under a Laurel Tree at the tip of a hill to the East of the Chinthalar Plantation near Perumed, Idukky District, realizing the truth that Solitary Penance is the best way for the ample comprehension of the real Heaven and Hell. It was during this period of Penance there that We realized the truth that the real Heaven and Hell are within Ourselves and nay, We Ourselves.
The doubts and inability accumulated through paths such as the Penitential Life, Visionary Guidance, etc., conducted in between the past twenty-seven years from 1888 to 1915 G ( 1064 - 1091 Malayalam Calendar ) had already vanished. Omniscience, Eternal Peace, Righteousness, Penitential Potency, Virtuous Deeds, and what not - all these in their respective paths, have illuminated themselves in Us as Perfection and Blissfulness Personified. Consequently, We, renouncing Penance, again embarked upon Our Action on behalf of Universal Service
The Ultimate Incarnation must be the Sword of Wisdom among the Feeble and Fragile and the Ineffectual and Exhausted. The reason is that those who belong to the upper stratum of society are lacking in having experienced the trials and tribulations. Consequently, God has to Incarnate Himself among the downtrodden, having been Endangered and enslaved. The most suitable field for bringing the Immaculate into existence is among the enslaved and enmeshed ones.
An Ayurveda Panchakarma Hospital was established at Cherukol Mavelikkara in Kerala By Sadananda Sidha Gurudevan.
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