Health Care - Ayurveda
An Ayurveda Panchakarma Hospital was established at Cherukol Mavelikkara in Kerala By Sadananda Sidha Gurudevan.
Search God with in you and find Him in your heart. Do not wander in search, I am living in you !
Know yourself and serve others, Lord will live in your heart always. Search God with in you !
The Veda is the Non- dual awareness. We have been able to realize it through ourseleves.
The Temporal and Transcendental planes are two different realms. It exists from the beginning to the end through Birth and Death binding and being bound by humans. But, the former is the temporal realm with birth and death. The latter is the Transcendental realm that exists without Birth and Death, existing intact.
The Temporal is only the external manifestation of the Supreme Preceptor. If so, the reward of human birth is the preparation for Our Divine Rejoicing by purifying and embellishing the immaculate, innocent and impeccable hearts of the entire human race, replenishing them with deeds devoid of fruits. God wishes this Fulfilment alone. This is the True Eternal Order of Righteousness (Sanathana Dharma) Everything apart from this is Unrighteous, Mortal and Perishable. The Supreme Preceptor has provided Us with fifty-seven years to participate in this Virtuous Deed.
But the Souls are the Nine Precious Jewels. It is here that God had existed as The Heaven and the Self-illuminating Cosmic Potency prior to the Creation. It is by considering the Stature and Value of this Soul that the Two Worlds of Here and the Hereafter or the Temporal and the Transcendental were Created and provided for Us. When the Humans become cognizant of this Truth, they will renounce this world. It is they who create the immaculate world philanthropically and impart moral and ethical instructions for its wellbeing. That is the Action or Karma devoid of Reward. They are the Glorious Souls of the world.
It is possible for Me to proclaim with clarity that We can perfectly provide your Soul with Liberation and Salvation by being a Reverend Preceptor not only for both of you, but for anyone belonging to our Human family.
I have the firm conviction that it is the same Soul which has prepared Me for My Acts of Sacrifice that helps Me.Therefore, I always pray that I should not have to be forced to perform any act other than Mine. It is My Awareness that the entire Human Race and the entire Universe are Me and in Myself that has become My Truth and Principle. Hence, it is My Mission to perform in the same way without error. As We have attained this level of Awareness, it is Fortunate that We perform in the same fashion. If you help Me it is of the same effect.
As the founder of AthmaBhododaya Sanga We are the core and surface of it. Let Me open up My heart. The core of the AthmaBodhodaya Sanga is Our Immaculate Heart. And its surface is Our Action devoid of Reward. Even though it is hard to explain it well, let Me write a few words about it below.
The Blue Plumbago (Neelakkoduveli) has been considered as the most prominent and perennial among plants, eternally beneficial till the end of the Kalpa or the Supreme Eon of Dissolution. But, We devoutly proclaim that the State of the AthmaBodhodaya Sanga is exactly in the same way as the Neelakkoduveli, believed to be sprouting in the soil from under the four rocks encircling atop the mountain, remaining there under the rocks, unable to burst out, enjoying freedom, without being used for its own benefit or for others. In case its inner core is opened for the public it will be cuddled, caressed and fondled like your own affectionate baby. We wish it would be fulfilled in future by His Grace.
The reason for My reference to the four encircling rocks is that, it is doubtless that a person, be it God Himself, would be defeated with suppression, oppression and repression through the Hard Rocks of Caste Discrimination, Slavery and Assault. There are many legends bearing testimony to this pathetic situation. The AthmaBodhodaya Sanga is an Organization of Devotees germinated through Our Righteous and Virtuous Acts, irrespective of caste and religion. It has not or shall not bedistracted from its aim due to any reason at all.
However, We were born into a most wretched hut or shelter marginalized and ostracized on the basis of caste and religion. Though We have not been familiarized with each other, by the Grace and Mercy of God Almighty and the Preceptor's Blessings and Benedictions, several philanthropic and virtuous Acts and ethical and moral organizations with sublime and lofty ideals and principles and long lineages of male and female ascetics and householders immersed in profound devotion could be attained and fulfilled.
We are bringing to your awareness the glad news that We have attained a Dimension which has so far been unattainable to any one of us or the One beyond which We would not have been able to attain.
We can boldly declare that an Ideology has manifested itself as the Idol of the Rising Sun or as the New Era, having travelled for a period of twenty-six years in the midst of the pitch dark of theCaste and Religious Discrimination without beholding the sunlight.
We proclaimed above that you could not perform such sacrificial acts by emulating Us. It doesn't mean that We are superior to you, but We testify that We are Humble and Conscious. Those who realize the Truth are the servants to others. Hence We are humble and Naive.
The Veda is the Non-dual Awareness. We have been able to Realize it through Ourselves. I have consistently Established in Myself the God-Realisation.
Similarly, it is with the Supreme Knowledge, Potency, and Vital Energy of the Absolute that the Sublime Realm of the Transcendental Soul has been created. Hence the Disciple has become constituted with the different components of Knowledge, Action, Experience and Consolation gained from the Absolute and Supreme Preceptor. It resides in the Clay Body just as the sesame oil contains in the sesame seed. Once it departs, there is absolute nothingness. So, the consolation residing in the Disciple is the reward of the three Attributes attained from the Absolute Preceptor
One who promises Heaven must be well aware of what Heaven is. Jesus Christ promised Heaven. His purity of life itself was testimony to the Promised Heaven. Beware of the truth that Promising Heaven in the Hereafter by Pointing to the Purity Here is misleading. What have you attained with your incessant endeavour?
I am well aware of what Heaven is. If you need to behold Heaven or hear of It, I can ensure it. Understand and know the purity of the ideology behind the Divine Endeavour
Everything in life becomes established through faith. Faith is generated only through awareness. Then it should be put into practice. Upon this experience its reward and realize it personally. After this become aware of the truth that it is your experience which has solidified your faith. It is upon this realization of the truth that a religion comes into being. And the Principles of such Religion are constituted by such experience.
Lord Krishna was an Epicure of Butter. As you know, Butter is extracted from Curd churned. Similarly, the Deities or the Demigods of the Celestial World are also excited and rejoicing in Nectar. That means both are similar. Both the Nectar and the Butter are attained through agitation and stirring. The Milk represents Eternal Knowledge, and the churning of the milk is Righteous acts established on the Eternal Knowledge. The resultant Ghee is the auspicious and blissful experience gained from such acts. By sacrificing our own blissful experience, imparting it to others is the churning or the Righteous action (Dharma). Consequently, we are under the bondage of Fraternity and Compassion. It is here that The Truth, Riotousness and Fraternity become germinated. The Lord Incarnates Himself from Epoch to Epoch longing for this Butter or Nectar (The Truth, Righteous action, Unity, and Compassion). Those who were intoxicated in the excitement and rejoicing of this Nectar have been condemned, accused, assaulted, and assassinated.
An Ayurveda Panchakarma Hospital was established at Cherukol Mavelikkara in Kerala By Sadananda Sidha Gurudevan.
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