Tharasthuthi Mahayajnjam - 2024 May 7th Tuesday to 12th Sunday.

Tarasthuthi is a continuous offering of prayers for 24 hours a day for five consecutive days and is attended only by devotees who observe lent for 21 days prior to its commencement. Tharasthuthi is held 4 times a year. Prayers, speeches and meditation are the main items of Tharasthuthi.

This Sthuthi conduct at Sannidhaanam on May 7th Tuesday to 12th Sunday. Those who take 21 days observance, they can participate that Sthuthi.It is a wonder that Ampotti gives all the speeches on such occasions and he never repeats any of his speeches. Always fresh ideas come out of Ampotti's mouth. No prior preparation for speeches is required for him though he has had no formal education. 

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In 16.7.1987 Subhanandashram registred as a Charitable Trust, Atma Bodhoday Sangha Sree Subhananda

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Gurudev teaches followers to attain self realization in order to see the eternal light which resides inside

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Historical events of Gurudevs life time, which throws light to the social and spiritual activities of special mention.


Subhananda Sannidhanam stands for the moral ethics that is unhesitant acceptable to the people of all faith.