Sree Subhananda Janmasathabdhi Smaraka Soudham

During the 26 years from 1962 to 1988 Sree Anandaji Gurudevan was the Asramaathipathi of Atma Bodhodaya Sangham. During this period Ashram attained tremendous growth both spiritually and materially. The construction of the Sree Subhananda Janmasathabdhi Smaraka Soudham a five storyed building is one of the important attempt of Anandaji Gurudevan.

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Subhananda Trust

In 16.7.1987 Subhanandashram registred as a Charitable Trust, Atma Bodhoday Sangha Sree Subhananda

Sanyasi Sangham

Gurudev teaches followers to attain self realization in order to see the eternal light which resides inside

Historical Events

Historical events of Gurudevs life time, which throws light to the social and spiritual activities of special mention.


Subhananda Sannidhanam stands for the moral ethics that is unhesitant acceptable to the people of all faith.