Cherukole Theerthadanam

One of the important ceremony of the sangham is the Cherukole Theerthadanam (Pilgrimage) conducted during the last Friday ,Saturday and Sunday of December, every year. After taking lent for 12 consecutive Fridays extending a period of three months ending on the third Friday in the Malayalam month of Dhanu (December last week).

On last friday of December, thousands of devotees from all over India and even from abroad reach Cherukole Subhananda Asrham and offer the "Irumudikettu"(A baggage with two parts in which pilgrims carry offerings consisting of a coin, rice, agarbathi,rose watere, camphor, bhasmam and other pooja items)before the madadhipathi and ovbtain blessings.
This pilgrimage known as "12 Velliyazhcha Vratha samaapana Theerdhadanam" was commenced by Brahmasree Anandaji Gurudev. In the earlier period it was conducted by traveling by foot by the pilgrims in groups, Chanti the psalms of Gurudev. Now traveling by vehicles is allowed to make it convenient and comfortable for the pilgrims, especially who are comming from faraway places.

The devotees who take part in this long worship take only vegetarian food in those days. They observe lent mainly in thought, words and action.They confess thir sins befeore the Guru and obtain atonement just like in Christian confession. This dose not mean that sins committed delibrately will be forgiven, karmma has its result and there is no penance for escaping from it.

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In 16.7.1987 Subhanandashram registred as a Charitable Trust, Atma Bodhoday Sangha Sree Subhananda

Sanyasi Sangham

Gurudev teaches followers to attain self realization in order to see the eternal light which resides inside

Historical Events

Historical events of Gurudevs life time, which throws light to the social and spiritual activities of special mention.


Subhananda Sannidhanam stands for the moral ethics that is unhesitant acceptable to the people of all faith.