New Articles from Subhanandasramam

The Philosophy of Subhananda (Subhananda Darsanam)

  • (By Adv. P K Vijayaprasad M A. L L B Karunagappalli)

Gurudev stayed at Subhanandashram, Cherukole, with many disciples from different castes and creeds and spread his principles to raise the consciousness of man to the highest level. He preached among the masses at various villages at Onattukara at Venad, especially amo~the down trodden untouchable castes at that time, counseling them, consoling them, uplifting them and directing them from the ...

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Subhananda Trust

In 16.7.1987 Subhanandashram registred as a Charitable Trust, Atma Bodhoday Sangha Sree Subhananda

Sanyasi Sangham

Gurudev teaches followers to attain self realization in order to see the eternal light which resides inside

Historical Events

Historical events of Gurudevs life time, which throws light to the social and spiritual activities of special mention.


Subhananda Sannidhanam stands for the moral ethics that is unhesitant acceptable to the people of all faith.